You Cher fans were asked on 'Cher News', Twitter, Facebook and 'The Official Cher Community' to vote for your top five all-time favorite Cher album covers, in order, and to submit them to 'Cher News'. The results came, and were counted for this count down!
We've already seen numbers 10-6 here on 'Cher News' (and those who follow the 'Cher News' Facebook page will have seen numbers 15-11) but its time to see the ones that you voted as your top bunch - including that all-important number one position! Let's go...
#5 'Dark Lady'
The cover of Cher's 1974 moderately-successful studio album 'Dark Lady' sees Cher as - fittingly - a dark lady in a sexy tight-fitting jet-black dress. The poster-worthy cover of the album - which contains the U.S. number one title-track - has Cher in a statue-like pose accesorised with a black cat. "Dark Lady" is the sole piece of color on the cover - being dark red. The idea of a red title on an otherwise black-and-white cover was re-used for her 1976 non-hit studio album 'I'd Rather Believe In You' (#9 in this count down).
#4 'Half-Breed'
Another early-1970's hit studio album containing a U.S. number one title-track is your fourth favorite album cover. Going all out on the Native American idea, the cover sees Cher on a horse in an outdoor setting fit for a western movie. Cher's long straight black hair may just be a happy coincidence but the rest of the cover - even the style of her name - is in fitting with the album title.
#3 'Take Me Home'
Yet another 1970's studio album with a hit title-track is getting the bronze medal in your countdown. Cher's 1979 Gold-certified album 'Take Me Home' showcases an air-brushed - to nearly animated status - photo of Cher in a gold Viking-style outfit. Of course, Vikings didn't come this sexy! The shiny barely-there outfit - equipped with a matching cloak/cape - is in the running for the title of Cher's most-risque album cover but her next one, late-1979's 'Prisoner' (#7 in this count down) arguably comes out on top by just a tad.
#2 'Living Proof'
The silver medal goes to Cher's latest studio album 'Living Proof'. It's quite a simple one - the most complex thing on it is the webbed design of Cher's top. The cover sees Cher in a black leather outfit, sporting long blonde hair (with a knot on one side) in a faux-outdoor setting. The Michael lavine-shot cover was the first album of Cher's to have her in blonde hair on the cover.
#1 'Stars'
Getting gold... This one is one that casual fans may not know! Released in 1975, this studio album only reached #153 on the Billboard 200 chart. Its dull performance on the chart contrasts with the colourful album cover - which some say is similar to the cover of Cher's new single 'Woman's World'. It features a head-shot of Cher surrounded by strings of colored lights, including one that reads 'Cher' and one that reads 'Stars'. The under-performing album is one that is cherished by die-hard Cher fans worldwide - one of the reasons that it's scored the number one position in your count down! - Plus the fact that it's a great cover!
Stars my all time favorite!