Cher has used Twitter once again to reveal details about a possible upcoming concert tour. When a fan asked the star for details about the "new tour," Cher said, "I Think May or June!
It's a nice time to tour! Keep fingers crossed! Touring is tough but think I got one more in me? I love to sing."
Of course, Cher has stated before that she often releases information on Twitter "early" in an effort to let fans know about projects as soon as possible. However, it has sometimes come back to haunt her.
Many months ago, Cher stated that she planned to release her new single, "The Greatest Thing," which also features Lady Gaga, in September. Of course, when September came around, Cher was bombarded by her and Gaga's fans about the single, which has still not been released.
On Twitter, Cher also stated that her new album would be released around Christmas, which was then moved to early 2012.
So, these tour dates should be used as guidelines rather than actual fact.
Whatever happens, it looks as if 2012 could be a big year for Cher!
She could come to Slovenia :D