Q: What was your most memorable Halloween moment?
A: I was doing the 'Cher' show and I had all of the stage crew come setup my house like a cemetery. I was a vampire. We had dead bodies bouncing out of coffins and we had ghosts flying around the trees and this huge sound system it was amazing. We had vultures and trees and Elijah was not even a year old and he was in a devil costume.
Q: What was the last movie you watched?
A: I watched 'American Psycho'. It was so scary by myself in the middle of the night.
Q: Do you like horror movies? Which is your favorite?
A: I don't really like them because I get really really scared. I watched 'American Psycho' and I couldn't get back to sleep. I had my hands over my eyes and my heart was raging.
Q: What skin products do you use on your face? Your skin is awesome! By the way, thanks for making wearing wigs a fun thing to do! Thanks to your example, getting through 13 months of chemotherapy and regrowth, my husband and I had lots of fun by my wearing different colored and styled wigs.
A: Well, I use Jan Marini and sometimes proactive. And I'm really happy that you were able to have fun during such a hard time.
Q: Is 'Take It Like A Man' going to be the next single?
A: Surprise, surprise!
Q: Will you perform 'Take It Like A Man' on the Tour?
A: I'd Like to
Q: When you look in the mirror, do you see truly how beautiful you are?
A: I don't look in mirrors
Q: Happy Halloween! I couldn't decide if I should be a gypsy, tramp or thief this year?
A: Just be a gypsy tramp who steals.
Q: Will you come to Brazil?
A: I really wanted to this time, there was no support from Warner Brothers Brazil down there so they didn't have me go down but I was hoping to go.
Q: What is your favorite costume that Bob Mackie has made for you?
A: Oh the outfit that I wore on the Academy Awards when I gave the best performing actor award to Don Ameche, '...Turn Back Time' outfit and the cover of 'Time' magazine.
Q: Will you film the upcoming tour?
A: Yes! I should have filmed the Las Vegas show it was really good. I'll never do another show without filming.
Q: One of my favorite movies of all-time is 'Mask'. Did you enjoy making the movie as much as i enjoyed watching it?
A: I did enjoy making the movie with the actors, I did not enjoy working with the director. Until about the last third he was really mean to me.
Q: Waiting on a new movie. Any in the works?
A: I have things coming up, but it's bad luck if you talk about things before things are locked. I'm working on three different things but I don't want to talk about them.
Q: Who is the most inspiring artist you've worked with?
A: Oh, Meryl [Streep]. Also, Val [Kilmer]. I once did an audition with Val for a playhouse we wanted to be a part of, and while we were doing this scene I forgot what I was doing and just stopped and watched him.
Q: How does it feel to be one of the most famous people in world?
A: I don't know. I don't ever go around thinking it , it's actually never entered my mind once in my life.
Q: Since you're known for incredible and elaborate costumes, do you Like dressing up? Or are you more of a casual person?
A: I'm so casual that's crazy. I'm some type of a bum, kind of a bum.
Q: Which was your favorite album to make? And why?
A: Gosh - maybe 'Believe' because I was at a really low point in my career and I'd been dropped by my record company. The head of Warner's UK this amazing man named Rob Dickens and he gave me the chance to have a career again. I went there alone because my manager had left me. I was liking a singing Lazarus.
Q: Do you really hang out with Kathy Griffin or does she just make that up?
A: No we hang out. THE pizza story is absolutely true.
Q: What's your favorite singer of this generation?
A: Oh my god that's so hard. Adele. I think Adele.
Q: Looking forward to seeing you be a Judge on 'Dancing With The Stars'...
A: I'm excited I have no idea what it's like to be a judge but I was just a mentor on 'The Voice'. Chaz said that he would come and give me some pointers.
Q: Did you often tour during The American Civil war?
A: No I toured during the Revolutionary war. I did my first Farewell tour during the Civil War. Cher I was a strong southern belle who vowed never to go hungry again and did some nursing on the side. Cher I also ran a plantation
Q: How was working with Jack Nicholson?
A: Oh, it' s wonderful, he's a love. I've known him my whole adult life. He is more amazing then people think he is, and so kind, and he loves women. Actually he loves hanging out with women. He painted a little bull for me for my birthday because we are both Tauruses. Taurus people rule!
Q: Will you ever do another romantic comedy?
A: I'd like to!
Q: How do you like working with Blake [Shelton]?
A: I love him. I adore him. He's a big baby. Yeah, because he is so much fun to mess with, you can really get him going.
Q: What's your most fondest memory of you and Michael Jackson's friendship?
A: I guess him teaching me the routine we did together on TV, all of us, because he was so complicated for me. You can see it on YouTube.
Q: What is your favorite color?
A: Black. If black is not a color and I love white and if I have a color, turquoise or anything neon. This is why I'd never be good one of those dating things, and I had multiple answers and questions.
Q: What is your real hair like?
A: Black and long. But I cut it recently but I'm going to let it grow really long. It's not too short but it's not long enough, I'm used to it being really long. It's about 6 or 8 inches below my shoulders.
Q: Do you still think Letterman is an asshole?
A: Yeah but that's what I love about him.
Q: Is Bob Mackie doing the costumes for the new tour? I think he really makes a perfect duet partner for you!
A: Yes he is. It will be both of our farewell tours.
Q: Do you ever do meet an greets? I would give anything to meet you just once to thank you for all the years of entertaining us!
A: No I hardly do them because before the show I only get ready for the show, and after the show I do a runner. I meet with special kids, or the terminally ill or special needs people. I'm going there out here to put on the best show for thousands of people and I need to focus my energy so I can do what I'm there to do.
Q: Cher, when you go on tour, who will be opening for you? Love your new album.
A: I don't know yet, I hope it's going to be this one person. It would be my greatest wish. The last two legs of the tour is my favorite favorite favorite person.
Q: Do you ever see yourself retiring completely?
A: Oh yeah sure. [My assistant] Jen says no. I keep think I'm going to, but I won't tour again.
Q: What makes you laugh the most?
A: Being silly!
Q: Cher, I recently lost my mom and I know you are close to yours...what is a fond memory you have of the two of you?
A: There is just one memory that I have that always jumps to the forefront- my mom got an income tax refund and we went to an art supply store and she bought an art tablet and pencils and gum erasers and i was thrilled beyond belief
Q: What is your earliest memory?
A: Being lost in the woods. I was four.
Q: What would be the core message that you want all your fans to keep in mind?
A: My imperfections are boundless.
Q: What is something that you would absolutely not wear on stage?
A: Orange.
Q: What's your favorite ice cream flavor?
A: Rocky road and chocolate chip. And I also like pistachio. Those are my three favorites. And Haagen Daz strawberry ice cream. I could eat a whole pint of it - and I have. I once ate a dozen Enteman's donuts, and four chocolate dove bars and I didn't even offer Jen a bit. I'd been in court for a week, and I couldn't eat because it was so traumatic for me, and 9/11 happened in the middle of it, and I almost lost the case; after I won the case I went to the market and got all of it and I didn't even get sick. We lost one juror because he was working for Satan!
Q: Have you ever wished you had a quiet life, instead of being a star?
A: Yes
Q: Of all the things that you've done in your life, ranging from music to movies to TV shows etc, what are you most proudest of? What is the most significant thing for you personally?
A: I just think that probably my kids first, but afterwards just being. Like Betty White I want to to be Betty white.
Q: Hi Cher, If Sonny Bono were still alive today, but you only had a minute to talk to him, what would you say?
A: How hot is it where you just came from?
Q: What is the number one wish that most fans ask you to grant?
A: "Follow me"
Q: Do you have a favorite song, movie, color, animal, favorite anything?
A: Jesus - my favorite anything?!I could be here all day with that. Every time there is a fire I just grab one jacket and I don't even like it. I don't give a sh*t about my passport, I grab this turquoise jacket, this one jacket I call my "fire jacket" and my Oscar and sometimes I grab some pictures. I have framed pictures of my family in my bathroom and Jack Nicholson as a baby from a million years ago.
Q: What is your favorite holiday?
A: Groundhog Day.
Q: Do you think you are as awesome as you are?
A: Oh I think I suck. No, just kidding. I think I'm okay in a pinch. Actually I think I'm just okay.
Q: Do you have a boyfriend?
A: None of your beeswax.
Q: What do you do to keep yourself in shape and healthy?
A: I don't smoke, drink or do drugs. Maybe twice a year I have a shot of Papi. Don't eat meat and choose wisely in the gene department.
Q: Which do you prefer as a pet dogs or cats?
A: I like them both. I've had a couple of dogs I love, and I have Mr. Big and I had another cat Jack named after Jack Nicholson. And I had a horse, an Appaloosa name Red Mark.
Q: I've always been curious about the pink toned eyeshadow, why?
A: I don't know. It used to start with blue. I used to make my own eye shadow when I was younger, because I couldn't get what I wanted, I would make it an a double boiler. I don't know it just kind of started that way. And now it's kind of pink and purple with colored stones, I like doing that. And glitter, for anyone that hasn't figured that out already.
Q: Are you enjoying life these days?
A: YES!!!
Q: What is the status on Billy?
A: About Billy, his life is hell and unless they release him to a sanctuary he'll die the way that he's lived, isolated and tortured. That's the way the LA zoo rolls....Yes, the pigs are on the other side of the bars.
Q: What keeps you up at night?
A: Old movies!
Q: Did you ever work with Elvis & what was your opinion of him??
A: I never worked with him, but he was a huge influence. Elvis and James Dean were two big influences on my art. Listen we kind of sound a like! Not so much on my later albums, but my middle albums. It's kind of hard for me because I Didn't have any really female entertainer role models. I had actresses that I love but I wasn't like any of them. It was hard for me and it wasn't that easy.
Q: What is your favorite television show?
A: Turner Classic movies of course, and then the Long Island Medium. Long Island Medium is the only reality show I'm ever going to watch and I don't consider 'The Voice' a reality show, but something special unto itself. It's just bliss.
Q: Do you like to be a brunette or blonde better?
A: I don't care I'm going to be one one day, another the next day. Kinda keeps going around in a circle !
Q: Who would you love to star with in a movie?
A: Val
Q: What sign are you?
A: Taurus, what else could i possibly be?
Q: How do you keep so thin? You look fabulous
A: I literally work my ass off. Thank god I like exercising!
Q: Have you ever thought of collaborating with Madonna ?
A: Actually I have. I think I'd really like to do something with Madge. This is the thing that I think is interesting about her. That she used music as a way to do art. Music is the canvas, it's not the finished painting.
Q: Do you miss Sonny?
A: I think about him a lot sometimes. There are things about him that I miss.
Q: Given the opportunity, if there was one part you could play, film or stage, what would it be and why? Also, have you thought about directing?
A: 'The Glass Menagerie' on Broadway. Absolutely, I did it once, actually a couple of times. 'If These Walls Could Talk'.
Q: What's the last great book you read?
A: I'm still working Zinn's 'A People's History' of the United States
Q: What is your most memorable moment from being on Tour?
A: The time I got my hair stuck in my costume at the Astrodome. I got my hair stuck in my zipper!!
Q: Did you know you were a Diva before anyone knew the meaning?
A: Absolutely. The first thing I said to the doctor! "Make sure you cut me a nice belly button, I'm going to be showing it to the world"
Q: Does music still feed your soul Cher
A: It's such a strange relationship, but I do love singing. I like just like the feeling of it. I actually like the physical feeling of it.
Q: What is your guess as far as how many people dressed as Cher this Halloween??
A: Half the people on the planet?
Q: Is there anything you have not done that you would like to before it's all over?
A: There are hundred things I'd like to do. Let's say fifty, that's more realistic.
Q: How do you keep your voice so strong, and clear?
A: I practice
Q: What is your favorite flower?
A: I like - it's a toss up - gardenias, oh, the kind of jasmine you get in Tahiti but I don't know what it's called and Casablanca lilies.
Q: Who influenced you the most in your life?
A: I guess my Mom & Son [Sonny]. I guess it would have to be that.
Q: What are doing tonight for Halloween?
A: I'm going trick or treating with little kids. I'm going to be a zombie with bones and blood hanging out of me. I've got a scar with safety pins and blood for my mouth.
And here was her look for the spooky night:
The 'The Witches of Eastwick' actress also took part in a spoof movie trailer for the 'LIVE with Kelly & Michael' YouTube account:
WHAT A HOT n SEXY ZOMBIE CHER is,, she sure loves Halloween
ReplyDeletei agree but how could she like "If these walks could talk"? She dies in the movie. When I saw it i started crying because idk jsut because. ps she really didn't look like she was died when that guy shot her while she was standing up. But, when she slamed to the ground she did look died but, please don't let her. she's a great woman. oh and shes looking for children? i could be her teenager grandchild. I don't think she could handle a teen grandchild. but its worth a shot.
ReplyDeleteomg laughing my head off when I saw cher and robin williams talking about "something kind of fishy" i think dat what she said