
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Cher To Do The Ice Bucket Challenge Next Month!

The "Ice Bucket Challenge" has had a huge presence in the worlds of celebrity and social media over the last month.

It sees a nominated person have a bucket of icy water thrown over their head. Why? To raise funds for and awareness of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

Once the nominated person has had the freezing-cold water thrown over them, they then donate a small sum to a ALS charity and then nominate further people to take the challenge. (However, a nominated person can instead forfeit the challenge by way of skipping the water part and making a larger donation to a ALS charity.)

Today, Actor Stanley Tucci completed the challenge and went on to nominate one of his co-stars in 2010 movie 'Burlesque', singer/actress Cher, to take the challenge.

The Academy Award-winning actress quickly heard about her nomination and took to Twitter within the last hour to quip, "OK Stanley ya rat!! I'm going to do it Cher-style bastardo!!!! I'm doing it in September!!!! Good friend, Cher".

Having had made it clear that she accepts the challenge, and will carry it out in September, Cher jokingly concluded, "Stanley Tucci is a brat".