
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Cher On Robin Williams: He Was A LOVELY Man

Cher and Robin Williams
Cher has paid tribute to the late actor and comedian Robin Williams.

Actor and comedian Robin Williams was found dead yesterday, aged 63, from an apparent suicide after battling severe depression. Fellow entertainer Cher paid tribute to the The 'Mrs. Doubtfire' star via social networking site Twitter.

The 68-year-old singer/actress initially talked about Williams' character and their recent appearance together in a 'Sharknado' parody for 'LIVE With Kelly & Michael':

"Oh Robin. He was a sweet lovely man. He ran high voltage. Mind always going. It was who he was. I know well... Many times from high, there is only low. So sad. I was with him a little while ago - we pretended to see sharknados!

"I have known him a long time. Saw him open for Martin Mull once pre-'Mork & Mindy'. 'Good Morning Vietnam', 'Awakenings', 'Mrs. Doubtfire', 'Good Will Hunting', 'Birdcage', 'Dead Poets Society', 'The World According To Garp' - my favorites. He couldn't feel our love for him."

Cher went on to talk about depression among her peers:

"Many of us actors, singers, writers suffer from this gift/curse in disproportionate numbers. Some artists feel that this is the only way out. There was a book written about artists with manic depression, 'Touched By Fire'. I call it my gift/curse - it give great but can take all."

"If he could see our reactions, he might have kept on trying? Maybe not forever, but feeling love gives you hope. Even so, nothing stops, too low. Artists (especially) are hard wired delicately. I liken it to a faulty emotional thermostat. You can set it, but it goes too high then too low. There is a great chasm between onstage, film, fame and life! One is such heightened reality and after heights there can be great depths."

Rest in peace, Robin Williams.


  1. Yes you are right he was a awesome man. The entire Hollywood industry missing him. Thanks for sharing nice information to us...Celebrity Photo Galleries

  2. Great clip and article. I did not know Cher taped that segment with Robin Williams. So sad to know how unhappy Robin Williams was.

  3. hate to bring tis up on ur blog Daniel, does anyone know what happened with i went on n he has taken all cher info down in is about to promote cher llody,, am confused,, what did i miss???

    1. I think a lot of people are wondering the same thing! Some of the things on twitter are awful!

    2. All I know is that Travis, whom runs 'Cher World', has been showing negativity towards Cher and her friend Paulette Howell over the last couple of months on Twitter, claiming that they've been showing favoritism towards a small group of Cher fans on there. I believe that Cher and/or Howell then blocked the 'Cher World' Twitter account on the social networking site, leading to Travis announcing that he would no longer run 'Cher World'. However, he quickly resumed running the website. For whatever reason, he has once again been "throwing shade" (as Cher would say) at the singer on Twitter lately and has now dramatically changed 'Cher World'. The website now, as most will have seen, throws further shade at Cher and, shockingly, states that the website will resume in the future as a Cher Lloyd fansite!

  4. Replies
    1. Oh well, just so much drama lately, don't know what to believe about Cher lately...

  5. My opinion: she's a generous performer who could've hung up her wigs and microphone years ago but is instead touring the planet most nights for her fans. She's thoughtful: using her social media presence to highlight those in need e.g. Billy The Elephant and other caged zoo animals. I think that some folk have got it wrong, claiming that she gives greater attention to some fans more than others - it's hard to get around to everyone when you're known worldwide and are touring to thousands and are followed on Twitter by two-million people. She gets to whoever she can. She has given all her fans a gift by touring once more and releasing the brilliant Closer To The Truth. Some fans hassle her further for a "follow" on Twitter or a meet-and-greet, but she barely understands the point of the former and reserves the latter for people with special problems, such as make-a-wish and craniofacial children. As she sang in 2003, and which goes for all of us, "I'm only human, yeah I make mistakes". However, she's one brilliant woman who has entertained the globe for half-a-century!

  6. I have never been on twitter and feel good about it since it is just another thing to take up time. I like sites like Cher News to get caught up with news. Daniel you really summed up Cher and her career very well. Cher is a talented gal and she really loves her fans. Hey I hope she goes to the UK so you can see her. Have you ever seen her in concert?

    1. I have never seen her in concert. I believe that she said that she will remain touring in North America until April 2015. Therefore, if she comes to the UK (fingers crossed), it'll be sometime after then - which gives me a long time to save up for a brilliant seat! If she comes to Birmingham, England (like she has on every tour since her Heart Of Stone Tour), then I'll be very happy as it's only an hour away from where I am! :) Note that I said seat, not seats - I want to go alone so that I can really soak up the experience lol.

    2. fingers crossed for you, to watch her in concert is magical,to listen to those chords is another thing,,i've been very lucky to have seen her many times, and attended other concerts by other artist, but CHER TOPS THE CAKE

  7. I have seen her three times. First time 1992 Love Hurts then 1999 Believe and then i think 2003 Farewell Tour. Too me there is noone greater. Wish CTTT (which I think is her absolutely best album ever) got better promo though. That was a mess which I still don't understand...


  9. Yes, WBR did a horrible job with CTTT. The duet with Gaga should have been something Ga was contractually bound to allow. Artists team up all the time and the whole TGT episode was absurd. The whole WW leak was absurd and by the time it came out we were tired of it. Even now that is my least favorite track. IWA should have featured Pink. Why it did not considering Pink wrote it FOR CHER and did background vocals on it is also absurd. The duet with Ga and IWA feat. Pink would have been 2 songs she should have had in the Hot 100. IHYFI did great on AC radio so why isn't WBR putting out IWA or the gorgeous Sirens out to AC radio??? UGH! Even the promo with linking CTTT to the tour ticks was mishandled. Instead of keeping it going (because it worked) they stopped it. Stupid!

  10. I dont get it why other artist dont Reach out to her for a duet?
    is IWA, enuff to feature pink? CHER over powers the entire song,doing it as a duet would have been wiser, as goes for TILAM. is it possible jake n pinks record labels wouldnt give permission,,,CHER has got to know in tis day n age duet with a younger artist is the way to go,,its good to see that after 15 weeks IHYFI is still on the top 20, who knows what sept 2nd leg of tour has in store for CHER n CTTT

  11. When you look at the Billboard hot 100 it is FULL of songs that are duets, trios and/or featurings and sometimes one song features 2 or 3 or 4 or more artists. IWA as it is does not have enough Pink to feature her. You barely hear Pink in the background but obviously Pink wrote the song so even if Pink did just a tiny bit more in the song they could have featured her. I kind of gave up on WBR doing something normal.

    Seeing lots of Robin Williams on TV has made me so sad for him, his family and his many fans. That clip with Cher was cute.
