
Friday, December 28, 2012

The Top Cher News Stories Of 2012

Join me as I take a look back at the top Cher news stories of 2012!

Of course - like always - Cher has been in the news many times this year. Some stories picked up by major publications include her ongoing spat with Donald Trump, the upcoming Broadway play based on her life and her announcement that fellow superstar Pink had wriiten tracks for her new album.

In this past month alone she pleased fans with the re-release of her 2000 online-only album '', and the announcement that her upcoming album will be released in March was met with mixed reactions by those fans. This past month also saw Cher do a private performance in Russia.

Cher's tweets about another performance of one of her songs grabbed headlines this year - after UK 'X Factor' contestant sang a much-praised ballad version of 'Believe'. Talking of tweets, I'm about to count down Cher's top 5 biggest news stories of the year, and you're going to see a couple involving tweets - beginning with number 5!

5. Fake Anti-Cher Chris Brown Tweet!
Tweets confused many Cher and Chris Brown fans in June as a certain incident involving R&B singer Chris Brown blew up all over Twitter. One user of the popular social networking site created a screenshot of seemingly real tweet, which showed Brown bad-mouthing Cher. The user also alleged that the tweet was deleted off Brown's Twitter account - hence, why the tweet could no longer be viewed on Brown's account. Well, war broke out between fans of Cher and Brown. However, 'Cher News' at-least-helped clear everything up - with thousands reading our article proving that the tweet screenshot was actually a fake

4. Cher and Kathy Griffin's PSA
Public appearances by Cher have been rare this year - so when the public service announcement video with comedienne-and-pal Kathy Griffin was debuted in November, Cher fans were chuffed! Not only did we get to see Cher, we got to see her and Griffin play about with a few Cher-based jokes - and the whole thing was for a good cause. With the Obama-Romney election date looming, pro-Obama Cher wanted to make it clear who she thought her fans should be voting for!

3. Cher Death Hoax on Twitter
January saw Cher become the victim of a Twitter death hoax. A rumour that Cher had died spread across Twitter late that month - a rumour so widespread that the phrase "RIP Cher" became a trending topic on the site. Bizarrely, famous-for-being-famous starlet Kim Kardashian repeatedly tweeted about the trending topic - initially believing it to be true and then realizing that it was a hoax - concluding, "I can't believe people would make up a sick joke like Cher died. These people need to get a life!" Of course, with Cher-being-Cher, she made a joke about the incident, saying that she was going to ask longtime-collaborator Diane Warren to write a song for her titled "RIP"!

2. New Cher song 'Silver Wings' on YouTube!
Cher debuted a brand new recording of country song 'Silver Wings' with God-daughter Jesse Jo Stark exclusively on YouTube. Cher had announced the Merle Haggard-cover recording a long time prior to uploading it to the video-sharing network, but when it was suddenly declared that the song was available to hear in July, Cher fans rushed to listen to it and were much-pleased with the country track.

1. 'Woman's World' leak
More interest - a lot more interest - though was given to another track - a leaked track. Yes, of course, the biggest Cher news of the year came when her upcoming single 'Woman's World' was leaked online - firstly just a snippet, and then the whole thing! Not only did the leaks make the news, so did the song's reception and Cher's reception to the leak! The song has been listened to almost half-a-million times on YouTube already and as the song will be released as a single early next year, you can be sure that 'Woman's World' will be hitting many headlines in 2013!

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