
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Cher Debuts New Hairstyle on Twitter!

Cher's new hairstyle
Cher has uploaded a photograph of herself - with her new hairstyle - onto Twitter.

Cher announced on Christmas Eve that she had cut herself a fringe/bangs; "I got up at 6AM and cut bangs!... I only look 50 with bangs!!"

However, since then, we haven't seen Cher - or even heard from her on Twitter. That is until now!

Just moments ago, the star briefly returned to the social networking site to upload a photograph of herself - with the new hairdo - taken during "Christmas dinner". The 66-year-old, who popularized bangs in the 1960's, hasn't sported the look for many years - well, not with her real hair.

Cher's new hairstyle

Here's a photo of Cher's hair in full glory, pre-bangs/fringe, taken last month:

Cher's previous hairstyle

So, what do you think? Do you like the new style? Is she right, does it make her look younger?


  1. To me she looks about 38 no matter what she does! She's a total inspiration.

  2. To say the least she is and always will be the one and only Cher. she is timeless. No matter what age she is this is not a dumb woman. She will always give us what we want when she entertains but will always make sure she looks her age she feels when just appearing in public, Love the new hair

  3. She look thinner on the fist picture. We want a fabulous come back from cher

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