
Tuesday, October 09, 2012

'' CD Re-release – Remastered, New Cover! And Autographed Copies!

Cher, and the cover of ''
Superstar Cher has revealed plans to re-release her 2000 internet-only album '' – including autographed copies!

Between the release of her best-selling studio album of all-time, 1998's 'Believe', and her 2001 dance-pop follow-up 'Living proof', Cher released 'Not.Com.Mercial' via the internet in 2000. It consisted mostly of songs she had penned herself in the decade before.

Its modest release and lack of major promotion let the album slip under the radar of many fans and most of the public. However, the fans who did catch onto the album, which was initially available for download and then appeared as a limited CD release, immediately crowned it as one of her best.

Now, Cher is giving her fans a fresh chance to get hold of CDs of the album. On Twitter, Cher got the ball rolling when she questioned her fans on what they would suggest for the price to purchase the re-release of the album, for both standard copies and also ones with an autograph; she asked, “What is a fair price for '' alone, and with autograph?”

One fan (Gabe Alfassy) replied, “Alone - $10-$15 and with autograph - $25-$30 but only a limited amount!”. Cher, seemingly pleased with the suggested price for a standard copy, was less-than thrilled with Gabe's autograph price. Cher replied, stating a vague suggestion of how many copies would get autographed, “Oh come on! Autograph is worth more! By limited, do we think 100-500 copies?” Gabe quipped, “I'll pay whatever you want Cher!”

A further Cher fan (Sarah Picks) tweeted her suggestion for autographed prices, “I'd say $100 - $200. I'd buy again just for the autograph! I'd release 5000 like when '3614 Jackson Highway' was re-released.” Cher replied, seemingly surprises by the suggestion of 5000 autographed copies and joking that her short name will be more suitable for signing so many albums, “All with photographs? I'd be doing this until Christmas! It's a great thing I only have a 'Magic Four Letter Word' [for my name].”

Another fan (and friend of 'Cher News', 'RafCher') wrote to Cher, “Can you release '' online again? I Can't find it, thanks!” Cher answered, revealing plans for a remaster and new cover, “I'm working on it but I need to clean it up and remaster. I'm also thinking of updating the cover – the same picture but cooler design.”

Later on, one fan ('EliseTheLovely') tweeted about one of the album's tracks - 'Born With The Hunger' – which was featured on the international 2-disc version of 'The Very Best of Cher'. Cher wrote back, “The story about 'Born With The Hunger'? It was written for 'Interview With The Vampire'!”

The 'Burlesque' actress concluded, “Thought about re-recording so many 'vamps' these days”. What does she mean?

Cher previously stated in August that her assistant Jen had stumbled upon a “beautiful vampire” song that Cher and a friend had penned for inclusion in - or on the soundtrack of - 'Interview With A Vampire'. And that Cher was going to re-record the song “with today's sound”. Now, it would be easy to think – from Cher's tweets - that this “beautiful vampire” song was 'Born With The Hunger' – but it is not! It's a whole other song. So maybe we'll be seeing – well, hearing – the “beautiful vampire” song as a bonus track on the re-release of ''? We'll just have to wait and see!

Meanwhile, come on Cher, where's news about your new studio album!?

Buy ''


  1. I could be wrong, but I don't think the sentence about NOT.COM being initially available through download is correct... As far as I know, it was released only on CD but you had to buy the CD online at or A few weeks before the CD was released, you could listen to "Sisters Of Mercy", "Runnin'", and the original version of "Still" at Cher's website, but I think the streams were removed once the CD was released (or shortly afterwards).

    1. I have no idea lol - I was 9-years-old when it was released. I think I got the information from the ever-trustworthy Wikipedia. Hopefully, someone will clarify this for us. P.S. your name is BRILLIANT!

  2. Just wanted to add my 2 cents ... I'm a HUGE Stevie Nicks fan and the same thing happened to us two years ago. Stevie was recording "In Your Dreams" with Dave Stewart and Glen Ballard and she kept saying that she wanted the album out before Christmas and that a new single would come out in October. Then, at the end of October, her record company (same as Cher's AND they have the same publicist, Liz) said "No new album until next year." In March, "Secret Love" (single) was FINALLY released but the full-album didn't come until May. I see Cher doing the same thing. We're almost mid-way through October and still no signs of the album OR single. Unless Cher releases it at the end of November I don't think it'll happen this year.

    1. Please, ALWAYS add your "2 cents" - it's great to hear!

      If I remember rightly, SN's album massively under-performed as well didn't it? I remember hearing GREAT reviews about it but then hearing that it sold poorly. Was that because of poor promotion? I hope Cher receives proper promotion for her album - too many times have Cher's releases not had the right promotion.

      (I don't know enough of SN's work to be a huge fan - but I do own her 'Crystal Visions' 'very best of' CD which I play pretty often!)

  3. Oh, and Warner also promised Stevie fans re-releases of all her "epic" albums: "Bella Donna," "The Wild Heart," & "Rock A Little."

    That was eleven years ago lol.


  4. That is so cool, but I WANT NEWS ON THE NEW ALBUM!!!

  5. this wait is nutty. living proof was cut in 2001. soon 2012 is over. i mean this wait is unreal if ya ask me

  6. I'd be thrilled to finally be able to buy this album !

  7. When is her new single out? It should be this month according to Cher's Tweets.

  8. I have both the first release of the CD & the re-mastered CD...I'm so glad it was released..Wish Cher would write more..One reviewer thought Cher wrote like/compared her 2 Joni Mitchell's truth telling of writing!!!
