
Friday, January 06, 2012

Cher's New Album Is Still Not Finished

CherSuperstar Cher has revealed that her new album is still not finished.

In late November, singer-actress Cher stated that her new studio album, which will include her Lady Gaga duet 'The Greatest Thing,' will be released early the following year. So, as it's now January, I decided to contact the eternally-youthful superstar, on social networking site Twitter, to see if her new album is completed yet.

I asked Cher, "Is your new album finished yet?"

On top of my question, the 'Burlesque' actress added further information regarding it's release; she replied, "God no, but it will be out this year, maybe to coincide with (cross our fingers) Tour?!"

Cher has previously stated that May or June would be her ideal time to tour which could suggest that we still have a couple of months to wait for the album release. However, there is no doubt that the album will finally be released this year; I'm sure that the decade-long wait will be worth it. After all, it's Cher!


  1. Lets just hope she dosent pull out an "Amy winehouse" with her lioness....

  2. can't wait :D

    1. Agreed! All you grouchy folks need to chill. After all, this Cher! No matter what she does, or how long it takes, I am gonna love it! Dont hate, there are plenty of real problems to worry about besides wasting your energy hating' on Cher. We love you, Babe, just keep on doing what you do best!

  3. I'm about ready to find a "NEW" favorite singer. Maybe one that puts out a CD every once in awhile. I do hope it will be out before she turns 80. Even one song on a soundtrack cd would be nice.

  4. Cher has moon in capricorn.makes us.wait....

  5. What the heck does that mean? You know hwat bugs me....first it was going to be a 60's cover lp of songs she liked that she was never able to record,I'm almost sure she said this on Ellen. Then it was going to be more of a rock lp, I think she said that on ET. Then it was going to be country, and then {way dance} whatever that means.Then it was coming out in June 2011, then Sept 2011, then late 2011 and now GOD only knows when.I more than likely will buy it, if and when it comes out.I've been a fan since 13 years old. I'm way past 13 now. I would have LOVED to have seen her in Vegas. Just didn't have the money. I know she has a life of her own, but please don't tease us by saying something coming out and then nothing. God knows I've been wanting the Cher show to come out on DVD. There was only one season. I think. How many of us would like that?

  6. Cher you are amazing and I think you are doing the best that you can with this album, she wasnt teasing us, there was just setbacks, after all, shit happens
    everyone who is impatient and is saying they want to find a new fave singer is NOT a true fan.
    put on your big boy boxers & big girl g-strings and get over yourselves!
    love you Cher!!! xoxoxo

  7. No not a true fan (anymore), still since we basically feed her a long time we should get some little respect or she can just simply say shes retired and no one will be waiting anything from her anymore and everyone can move on with there music taste or keep being a big baby and cry for a nobody.

    1. What a ridiculous statement - Cher "owes" you/me/us nothing. She's an artist, free to create at her own will, and with "fans" like you, who'd want to give you anything? As far as being a "nobody", it's interesting that you'd post such an ugly statement under the name "Anonymous" and if Cher never did another album or movie or anything, she'd be about the furthest thing away from a "nobody" as one could get. Get over yourself.

  8. is CHER plannin on doing a duet with her mom Georgia?

  9. There's one man (I forget his name) that has the rights to the Cher show (he was the one who put "The Sonny & Cher Ultimate Collection" together)and it's basically up to him to release it. However, I've attempted to contact him in the past to no avail. There were two seasons by the way. It would be hard job to release both seasons as she sang alot of songs and I'm guessing that they'd need to go through a process to be able to use them on a DVD release.

    There's so much Cher material in existence that I mostly don't mind how long she takes with the album. However, If I was in control of it, I'd want her to hurry with it! Let's just hope it's worth the wait. If the album comes, and it's bad (really don't think it will be) then we'll all be hugely disappointed and even I'll be annoyed that it has taken this long for it to be released.

  10. I would love to see the ballads from the Sonny & Cher/cher show put on a compilation album.

  11. I recorded every single episode of the Sonny and Cher Comedy hour and the Cher Show and the Sonny show on audio tape back in the 70s and 80s. The tapes have basically fallen apart. No VCRS back then.

  12. Thank you Daniel, for your comment. I know the guy you are talking about.You would think someone would be interested in making a few bucks and release The Cher Show on DVD. I would LOVE that. Or at least her TV specials. I have no doubt that Cher's lp will be GREAT. I just get so impatient waiting for it.Ten years between lps is a long time. I also like this site. I used to like "Cherworld", but that as gone down hill fast. They have had the same story for weeks now.And Cher's site is even worse! Any way I stil LOVE her!

  13. I do wish the whiner's would just keep quiet! You aren't the only bunch waiting for her release. We all are - and this cd should be huge. And the fact that the studio changed the release date on the single/album is no reason to disrespect her!

    So far, we have, as producers: Timbaland/J-Roc, RedOne/Gaga, Jason Derulo, Diane Warren and god knows who else. And Mark Tayor of "Believe" is doing vocals on at least 3 songs.

    I think what pisses me off the most is that no track titles recorded has been given. At present, only "The Greatest Thing" and "Red" are officially named as songs included. I'd rather she share with us the song titles then her political opinions, however true they may or may not be.

    Great site, by the way. Cher deserves it~

  14. yes she does deserve it

  15. Thank you!

    At one time, a long time ago, I would use 'Cherworld' as my only source for Cher news but as you said, that site isn't updated much anymore. It hasn't been updated since early November. Sure, there hasn't been much Cher news available but there certainly has been some! One of the reasons I created this blog was because that site misses out loads of Cher news yet alot of people do use that site still as their main source of Cher news, and I don't want them to miss out on all the other Cher news. Another thing is that the people at 'Cherworld' just copy & paste news from elsewhere whereas I write all mine myself. I give that site alot of credit though as when I started this blog, a huge percentage of my initial visitors came from that site due to me posting comments about it on various 'Cherworld' news articles.

  16. I agree about the political tweets. I go on Twitter all the time to see if Cher has tweeted, and then I'll see that she has and get excited! Then, I see it's all about politics and I get disappointed. She's a pop icon and so I want to hear about her new album, new single, upcoming tour and other projects as opposed to politics. Also, I live in the UK and have no idea what they political tweets are about. Usually, I'd say that there are Cher fans that want to hear about politics from her but I don't come across hardly any at all. Like us, they'd rather hear about her career instead.

  17. i really hope she does a world tour....

  18. I really hope Cher tours the UK!! I think I would have a heart attack if i ever seen her <3 she is the best singer in the world!!

  19. Yes this is true that it has been a while since she has made an album, but we must not forget that she did say her last tour was gonna be the last tour. So far she has stuck to it. As im sure we would all love to see her go on another tour ( lets cross our fingers) we should not expect her to do so on our behalves. She does have a life an like she said in our tour, shes been the diva for 40 freaking years an still is. Even if she does not make a new album she will always be a diva. I love an will always love CHER.

  20. She its getting old 10 years is a long time to wait we should get use to it at her she this might be it. More than likely the last cd asher will do,I can't imagine 10 more years for threw next.only wish she would get off her bed and hit our hard. She knows all her fans wasn't more music madonna has more cd s than cher. She must be tired and ready to retire.

  21. She its getting old 10 years is a long time to wait we should get use to it at her she this might be it. More than likely the last cd asher will do,I can't imagine 10 more years for threw next.only wish she would get off her bed and hit our hard. She knows all her fans wasn't more music madonna has more cd s than cher. She must be tired and ready to retire.

  22. She its getting old 10 years is a long time to wait we should get use to it at her she this might be it. More than likely the last cd asher will do,I can't imagine 10 more years for threw next.only wish she would get off her bed and hit our hard. She knows all her fans wasn't more music madonna has more cd s than cher. She must be tired and ready to retire.

  23. She its getting old 10 years is a long time to wait we should get use to it at her she this might be it. More than likely the last cd asher will do,I can't imagine 10 more years for threw next.only wish she would get off her bed and hit our hard. She knows all her fans wasn't more music madonna has more cd s than cher. She must be tired and ready to retire.

  24. She its getting old 10 years is a long time to wait we should get use to it at her she this might be it. More than likely the last cd asher will do,I can't imagine 10 more years for threw next.only wish she would get off her bed and hit our hard. She knows all her fans wasn't more music madonna has more cd s than cher. She must be tired and ready to retire.

  25. if cher is coming back with new songs well who said just because your getting older you cant keep going well done girl keep going
    pam r england ncle

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. We Cher fans learn patience..not a very musical ten years for us.Gone are the days when the alums were coming and going.I hope she is really just into perfection!

  28. @ Whoever wrote this...
    "Lets just hope she dosent pull out an "Amy winehouse" with her lioness...."

    (Non aggressive)

    How dare you.

    Cher is Wonderful, she is Fantastic and Fabulous, She won't ever pull something like that, she is not some cheap women mind you!

    I am thrilled to hear she has a new album coming up and a tour!! She inspired my passion and dream to become a singer one day, so i wish Cher the best of luck and the most awesome fun doing her new album and tour! :)
    All Hail the Goddess of pop :)

    - Claude

  29. I'm 14 years old, and I love Cher! Cher used to be my favorite singer, when I was between the ages of 7-9! I first heard my mom playing her CDs in the car, and when I heard Gypsies, Tramps, and Thieves, I instantly loved Cher, and mostly, that song! When I was 9, my family and I went to Las Vegas, and I saw her show! It was my very first concert, and I couldn't have been more excited. I even dressed up as Cher for Halloween that year. As I got older, I heard less and less about Cher, and started to focus on more modern singers, like Lady Gaga. I am OBSESSED with Lady Gaga! I know everything about her, and follow everything she does. When I heard that she would be doing a duet with Cher, it was like the best feeling in the world! My 2 favorite singers were coming together, and making music together! Even though I only heard a demo of the song, "The Greatest Thing," I already love it! I know it's going to be a major hit, especailly becuase it's Cher and Gaga! The two most talented women in the world! I can't wait for the Cher album to come out, but I agree, that it's up to Cher to release it. I don't think that anybody should be giving her a hard time, because she's trying to take her time with this album, because it's one of her first ones in a long time. She pobably just wants to make it perfect for all of her fans, who have been waiting for such a long time! I can't wait, and I know it's going to be a good one!

  30. She's CHER!! She doesn't need to release music every few years,like the so called artists these days. Cher is a true talent that has held a fan base for 50 years, where do you think Gaga and Beiber are gonna be in 50 years....? probably on a Vh1 Where Are They Now special, not recording a new album and getting ready for a world tour! I love you Cher!! So excited for a new album and tour!!

  31. The sample of the new song online, Woman's World" doesn't do anything for me. It sounds like left over music from the last CD which was considered a flop. Warner brothers records dropped CHER after that CD didn't do well. The farewell tour did do extremely well though and lasted 6 years. I was hoping she would record an adult contemporary/rock collection of music where some of the songs would have re-mixed so clubs could play her music. I love the raw sound of CHER's voice! All that electronic nonsense is redundant.

  32. "Heart of Stone", "We all sleep alone" are songs where CHER's unique style beams through.
