
Thursday, December 04, 2014

Cher Left "Shaking" With Horror Over "Insane Torture" Of Pigs In Iowa - Asks Gaga, Madonna and Kim Kardashian To Help

Shocked Entertainer Cher took to Twitter this week after seeing a TV report on how Iowa farmers torture their pigs in narrow gestation crates.

"I just saw the most horrendous thing on TV. I'm shaking. Pigs in cages only big enough to lie in with no movement at all! Jesus Christ where is humanity? What the f*ck is wrong with meat-eaters (yes that's what I said). Do people need f*cking bacon so badly that they will torture the pig for its entire life to get it?"

"I would give anything to see the owners of this company dragged to their pig torture chamber and locked inside. It's such a good thing that I'm not young."

The crates are banned in Florida, California, Arizona, Rhode Island, Colorado, Maine, Michigan, Ohio and Oregon, and have been criticized by animal welfare activists for being cruel - pregnant pigs are unable to turn around in them and some can spend years in them.

Cher called out New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie about the treatment of pigs as he recently vetoed a bill that would have outlawed the use of gestation crates in New Jersey.

"I can't bear insane torture of animals. Kill if you must (if you can't live without bacon) but why torture them beforehand? Wait Chris Christie? Iowa Farmers, why must you torture pregnant pigs? You put them in crates and lock them down so that they cannot move! C. Christie, you're a despicable bully, forget POTUS".

Cher later returned to Twitter to tell her 2.3-million followers to boycott Smithfield Farms whilst asking fellow female entertainers Lady Gaga, Madonna and Kim Kardashian to help her spread the message: "Boycott Smithfield Farms! They use barbaric practices. Never asked before, help me sisters #Gaga #Madonna #KimKardashian"

Meanwhile, Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad praised Chris Christie's actions and responded to Cher's tweets with, "They know a lot about pig production out there in Hollywood."

The passionate 'Moonstruck' actress responded, "With respect Gov. Branstad, we do know about pigs! The two-legged kind! Slaughter your pigs, but must you torture them first? Is there nothing we won't do for money? In Europe, this barbaric form of raising/torturing pigs is illegal."

Cher said, "We must protest injustice forever! If we turn a blind eye to crimes. they will go on forever!"


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  2. Replies
    1. Not at all - she just doesn't eat MEAT but she eats poultrey and fish and dairy

  3. Dishy your comment is so funny! I actually get really tired of stars on Twitter going on political rants. I love Cher's music and acting. I wish Cher was more into her career than into all these other things but I know people use Twitter to go on rants.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Cher is entitled to talk about politics if she wants to, just like everyone else. There are too many people who just sit back and let things happen, she actually cares and voices her opinion. Many who criticise her just don't like her opinion and therefore think she shouldn't voice it.

    3. I couldn't agree with you more Lisa! Concentrate on your art!

    4. Artist in general, Cher included, have the right to express their thoughts. But because she is such a great star, her voice is more powerful. Not only she should speak for others, but it is one of the important social aspect (being what she is) that allow a society to grow and evolve. It is not the only voice, but a very important one. Actually, I wish she do more: she could (since it would be easy for her) call for a spectacular response from her fans for everywhere. Example : ask for everybody to send a tweet (with a specific message) to someone at the same time (that she had indicate) or ask everybody to make noise at a precise time (date and hour). It would show to what extend she could influence politics and how powerful she is.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Daniel, long time we dont hear from you and on CHER NEWS, hope u well man

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