
Saturday, July 26, 2014

Expect Five New Costumes When Cher's 'Dressed To Kill Tour' Returns

Cher on her 'Dressed To Kill Tour'
Cher has tweeted that she'll don five new costumes when her tour resumes in September.

The legendary live entertainer is currently on a break on her massively successful 'Dressed To Kill Tour' - its first leg ended earlier this month and its second leg will begin in September.

For its September return, Cher told her Twitter followers, today, that they can expect to see five new costumes: "5 new costumes are... Unbelievable"

One fan (@OGCherLovely) then asked Cher, "Do you give Bob ideas to what kind of costume you want or does he come up with the design?" Cher answered, "We talk and then he sketches. Have you ever seen one of his sketches? OMG".

It will not just be Cher's costumes that will be updated for the tour's second leg: the singer tweeted that her dancers' wardrobe will have an update or two: "Trying to get some new dancers costumes designed. Changed 'Dressed To Kill' boys costumes. Working on one other song."

The Grammy Award-winner then seemingly hinted that there could be a slight change in the tour's setlist come September: she tweeted, "Maybe change one song".

The DVD release of the tour is set to be recorded in Toronto in October and the 'Woman's World' singer has already got its bonus features planned: One fan (@blanktgt) asked, "Have you decided what to o for bonus features?" Cher answered, "Yes!!!"

Meanwhile, another fan (@1biggestcherfan) tweeted to Cher, "If you could do anything right now... What would you do?" "Direct and star in an amazing story of a female Corrections Officer who is so lonely... She feels that her life is not worth living."


  1. Mmmmmmmm, I wonder if the female corrections officer role is one Cher WANTS to do. I hope she does more movies.

  2. CHER needs to bang out at least 2 GREAT movies, a role so different of her few last previous, get nominated for another Oscar n poss winning another 1

  3. Nice to see you back NYChristophe! Yes, Cher should do more movies!!!!! I'd love her to do one Broadway Show and win a Tony Award!

  4. Hi Lisa hope all good w/u, been ck'g here, but not much was goin on,, YEA all she needs is a TONY and with that she breaks new award winning record?

  5. I wish Cher would do a remake of Bette Davis Now Voyager or her and Madonna do a remake of of Bette Davis and Joan Crawford,s movie What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? OMG they hated each other years ago this would be the best thing ever. What do you all think.

  6. corrections officer ?? You are so out of it. My God the woman is 68 going on 69 I would not want to see people making fun at her because of dumb ass roles. The movies I suggested are not the best but they can be age appropriate. She needs to start looking a little older and messed up in a movie, then when she gets another Oscar she can look stunning receiving it. Sorry just my opinion.
