
Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Cher Spreads The Love In Her 2013 Christmas Message

Extravagant superstar Cher has left a Christmas message for her fans on Twitter.

Earlier today - Christmas Day - 'Goddess of Pop' Cher took to the social networking site to tell her "Cher crew" (the name that she affectionately dubbed her fans) to love one another:

"I just wanted to say that I hope you feel loved. Air, food, shelter are necessities but love is a necessity too! We get sidetracked, move too fast... But love is the only reason to be here! You feel it, share it, value it, live for it and feel like you will die without it. Let's make a plan... 2014 - the year of love."

She continued, "This is going to be a recurring theme from me! We all need to give and receive love! Let's help all crew members find what happiness is for them."

Several hours later, Cher wrote, "Merry Merry Christmas little chicks. Be kind to yourself and others today. It will be good practice for next year's goal... Try love first."

"I've spent holidays with family, alone, in love, heartbroken, flush, broke, in a house with no furniture and a tree with bows I make for the kids. If you are struggling, there is hope", she concluded.

1 comment:

  1. I like that you make another cher top songs like PLEASE
