
Sunday, November 03, 2013

Cher Hoping To Have Grandchildren ASAP

'Woman's World' singer Cher has been wishing "for years and years" to have grandchildren - and hopes son Elijah will "step up to the plate".

The 67-year-old mother-of-two (sons Chaz Bono and Elijah Allman) told UK magazine 'Closer' that she wants grandchildren as soon as possible: "I just don't know when that's going to happen. I've been wishing for it for years and years because I love kids, but nobody seems as if they're going to step up to the plate. I think Elijah will, but I wish he'd hurry up."

For the publication, Cher pondered as to why her little black book contains few older men: "I've only been with two older men, but no other older guy has ever asked me out. I don't know why - I think younger men are used to being around stronger women. Also the older men I've met were kind of boring and they didn't want to do the same things I did. I love a sense of humor and people who are spontaneous with a young spirit - I don't like being around old fogie types!"

The anything-but-old-fogie-type singer/actress dealt out her secrets for staying youthful: "Being healthy has always been part of my life. It just works for me. There are things I don't like that are unhealthy, like drugs and drinking, so I never got into them to begin with. I smoked cigarettes for a while and I'd have done drugs had I liked them, but they didn't agree with me. I'll only drink three or four times a year too.

Cher - who's new single 'I Hope You Find It' is currently sitting in the UK Top 40 for its third week - continued, "I don't eat meat and I exercise around five times a week - getting your endorphins up is a great way to start your day and I've got loads of energy. If I ever try to play the age card with my trainer, she doesn't go for it!"

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