
Monday, September 23, 2013

PHOTOS! Cher's Wardrobe Problems On 'The Today Show'

Cher on 'The Today Show'
Cher used a Sharpie marker pen to adjust her pants moments before going on-air on 'The Today Show' - to stop them making her hips look like "Battlestar Galactia"!

Trend-setting superstar Cher appeared on NBC's 'The Today Show' this morning to perform her latest singles 'Woman's World' and 'I Hope You Find It'. However, just before she made her big entrance - on an Officer's motorcycle - the 67-year-old singer was forced to make a quick adjustment to the pair of pants/trousers that she was wearing:

Moments ago, she tweeted: "This is so stupid, so hysterical! Remember the pants I had on this morning? Black and white lattice work, drop crotch design... Well, just before I went on stage, all the girls were looking at the mirror saying, 'Hmmm, what's wrong with the pants?'. I said, 'Optical illusion... They make my hips look like Battlestar Gallactia.' So, four girls with black Sharpies, Sharpie'd out the white part of my pants on the sides. We were dying laughing! Sharpies were flying, women were yelling, 'Where's the f**king Sharpie!' The stage manager was saying, 'We need you soon, this is a live show!' And all I could think of was, 'Oh f**k! Does Sharpie stain skin? I'm wearing a mini on Letterman tomorrow and I have black racing stripes down my legs!'"

Cher arriving at 'The Today Show'

Cher arriving at 'The Today Show'

Cher on 'The Today Show'

Cher on 'The Today Show'

Cher on 'The Today Show'

Cher on 'The Today Show'

Buy Cher's new album 'Closer To The Truth' from Amazon.

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