
Thursday, August 29, 2013

PHOTO: Cher's New Album Cover - 'Closer To The Truth'

Cher's new album cover has been unveiled.

As promised, Cher has shared the cover art of her new studio album 'Closer To The Truth'. A member of the Cher team just tweeted a link to the cover, which depicts Cher as a blonde... Oh and it's quite racy!

The 67-year-old is sporting a little beige number against a white background with lots of leg and chest showing! An elaborate "Cher" is shown underneath her which shelters the album's title 'Closer To The Truth'.

Lead single 'Woman's World' has been available for download in North America since 18 June whilst international release dates are spread out until as late as October. The album - Cher's 25th solo studio album - will be released in the U.S. on 24 September with International release dates to follow shortly after.

Cher's 'Closer To The Truth' album cover

UPDATE: The Cher team member returned to tweet a cover that will be exclusive to major retailer Target; "And here is the cover for the exclusive Target edition of 'Closer To The Truth'":

Target edition of Cher's album 'Closer To The Truth'.


  1., first reaction - What?!!

    I think there must be something more than meets the eye about this.

    she said in her tweets she is paying homage to playboys blondes, something like that,,


  4. Omfg I really love it except of the font, the font is really cheap who did it ? But this picture :o so hot

  5. dosent even look like her XD

  6. Absolutely flawless! She looks incrediable! I love it!!

  7. why is it that on ur site Daniel 95% of the time most of the comments r positive, in comparison to that of another site i wont mention??

  8. To be honest I'm not that crazy about it. I don't like the font it looks like Word art. I think the Target edition is better. I wonder if the deluxe edition as a different cover?

  9. I BUY CHER for the MUSIC,Her voice, Her talent not her pictures!

  10. Um..... Not my favorite! Sorry.. I am a black hair Cher fan! The font reminds me of the Sonny& Cher album fonts from the 60's.

  11. I do think that the album will be a huge hit! Very successful on Billboard.i Tell The Truth!

  12. So I now have another variant to buy! And for me this is NOT a bad thing - another goal to achieve. I think she looks great - we all know how pictures are touched - tbh I don't care - she looks great!

  13. Okay, thats the cover. Hm i wonder, if the international releases get another cover. The first one looks cool. The font is okay, very oldfashioned, thats good. But the second one for the target audience is very hmm nude... it looks like Cher is ... from behind... just that look on her face and the body position. Not the beste choice if you ask me. I like it somehow, but the internet will definetly joke abaout it.

  14. Over at someone posted this pic but darkened it a bit. It looks more natural that way. I was hoping for BLACK hair Cher on the cover. Her last black hair album cover was Believe so I was sure we would get black. Oh well, I was wrong. It is the airbrusing that gets me. Nearly allllllll photos now look the same. Even young celebrities get airbrushed and it makes everyone lose their own look. Once again, over at someone posted a brand new pick of Cher sitting by a pool. It is a new pic and Cher looks so Cher-like and natural. It is gorgeous. If you have not seen that photo go look. I just do not see Cher as a blond at least not on an album cover. Sorry.

  15. Blonde, Red, Black, Whatever colour hair she is wearing i am sure we will all buy the darn CD,, its the MUSIC I WANTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT,, the colour of hair doesnt affct how she sings or her level of talent!!

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