
Sunday, August 18, 2013

Cher Tweets Brand New Snapshot During "Naked" Photo Confusion

New photo of Cher
Cher went on social networking site Twitter just a couple of hours ago, where she uploaded a new photo of herself in what was one of her most confusing series of tweets yet.

The Goddess of Pop began her latest tweet session with, "Untrue that I posed naked. It may look a little unclear in a couple of pictures, but I DO have a thin slip on!"

Of course, fans were confused by the tweet - with many rushing to search for naked pictures of the songstress. One then tweeted to the 'Woman's World' singer that an old near-nude photo from 1979 is what comes up when "Cher naked pose" is searched on Google images.

Cher left fans guessing about the content of her tweet for nearly an hour until she responded to the above fan, "Pictures are from new shoot. Someone described photos, but called them 'naked'... So... So far, so good. Leak fever seems to have missed me."

It seems that an currently-unknown person has described Cher as "naked" in a couple of shots from a recent photoshoot - likely for new album 'Closer To The Truth' or its promotion. It also seems that at one point, the 67-year-old Grammy Award-winner thought that one or some of the shots had been leaked.

She added, "Pictures are cool, no costume malfunctions! They are just... well... you'll see soon enough... Judge for yourself".

Cher then uploaded a fresh (fully-clothed!) photograph from either the same recent photoshoot she was tweeting about or another recent one, In the large photo, she is sporting a low-key (for Cher!) ensemble and black wig:

New photo of Cher - likely taken for her new album 'Closer To The Truth'

What do you think of Cher's look here?