
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Contest Winners' Reactions To Cher's 'Woman's World' Music Video! It has New Wigs, Multiple Costumes & Fist Pumping!

Some of the Cher fans who won the 'Believe' hit-maker's contest to spend hours on the set of her new music video have been tweeting about their experience. The hot topic? Cher's wigs!

One of the contest-winners, @classified1A, tweeted about his time on the set and meeting Cher, plus about what he saw of the music video.

"4:40AM and we just arrived home from the most amazing video shoot by the most amazing woman in the world"

"There is not much that we can say except that Cher is the most amazing person, beyond words. She is still working and is shooting through the night!"

"Let's say this - I'm a hairstylist and my thoughts on the hair? Cher has done it all, right? Every color and style? Think again! never before seen".

"Simply put! club song, club hair - just hot youthful and beyond words. She literally looked 30-yeras-old and I'm not just saying that. Amazing Cher is back".

"There's not much we can say... It's just very unique, but still very Cher! Note this... The classic Cher fist pump was elevated".

"No-one will be disappointed! No-one".

Another of the contest-winners, @jillybird42, tweeted:

"Oh My God. Just spent 8 hours with Cher"

"Her wigs are over the top! Cher's back, bitches."

A third contest-winner, @kaitybby17, tweeted that her and the other lucky fans were on the set for 8 hours. "We were there from 8PM until 4:15AM. Oh my God."

She also tweeted: "We watched her and her dancers doing the video for ages. And then she changed her outfit and took pictures with us and signed stuff"

"We saw three outfits. And they are just amazing!"

"At one point in the shoot, Cher yelled, 'Hey! Can you guys see my g-string?" And everyone was like, 'No, you look fabulous!' But you could see it"

One fan (@LovelyMonster88) asked the aforementioned contest-winner, "Do you know if she is switching to a new hair color for the video?" She answered, "Never before seen! She's back!"

"They are so unique. More unique than any of her other wigs. Like Oh my God."

"Multiple costumes and amazing unique never-before-seen wigs."

"Cher did a lot of fist-pumping. Her outfits were awere amazing, and her wigs were so unique and never-before-seen. That's all I can say"


  1. I cannot wait till it premiers she is amazing. I am so glad. I'm not bothered where the song charts because cher has been doing it for so long now chart success doesn't bother her anymore. The song is not my favourite but I like it and I expect good songs to follow :) so happy for those who got to see her. I wouldn't know what to say

  2. I'!!!!.congratz.guys.xox

  3. OMG Shes back!!!! never doubted her for a second!!!

  4. I was jealous initially. But, then I thought Cher is the only artist with such a generous heart to do this for her "lovelies" -- can't wait to see the video!
