
Saturday, January 19, 2013

Contest News Round-Up: New Winners, Backlash, Auction Results

If you're a fan of Cher (then you're certainly on the right blog!) then you'll know that for the last few days, it has all been about contests when it comes to the 'Gypsies, Tramps & Thieve' hit-maker. Proof of that is the numerous recent articles about them here on 'Cher News'.

The contests, which see the winners getting to spend hours on the 'Woman's World' music video shoot on the 22 January, have seen lots of confusion (again, take a look at the 'Cher News' articles') and disappointment (you'll read about that in a minute). But let's not forget, it has seen the dreams come true for a number of fans.

The disappointment? When the seven Twitter contest winners were announced, poor Cher, who did a very generous thing, was sent an array of unfriendly tweets from fans moaning that they were not chosen.

Those that didn't win will have another shot at future prizes anyway; "I'm happy for those who were chosen! Tears for those who were close! But I'll have much more to do because of 'Woman's World' and CD release! We will do this again!" Well, Let's hope so!

However, with some fans continuing to moan at Cher, she tweeted, "I understand your disappointment! But it is what it is! We will take pictures and video of shoot! Some say that they will unfollow me! I will miss you!"

The upset singer continued, "I was sitting looking at the sea, [my assistant] Jen came in and said, 'Are you feeling bad?'. I said 'Yes'. She said, 'Do you wish you hadn't done it?'. I wanted to do something nice, but it seems I did not."

Luckily though, an abundance of fans, who weren't moaning at Cher, tweeted their support and appreciation of her generosity.

There's a twist in the Twitter contest story. Unfortunately, a couple of the winners who are under-18 have not been allowed by their parents to receive the prize of going to the LA 'Woman's World' video shoot. Even after Cher called them up on the phone (lucky folk!) Therefore, Cher decided to let two other fans take their place.

After a number of tweets by older fans pointing out that most - if not all - of the initial seven winners were of a young age (although, come on, it is Twitter - most users of the site are of a young age. That's why Justin Bieber and One Direction are constantly trending), Cher decided to give a couple of the older fans a chance to get hold of the prize.

She tweeted, "I will have a contest for OG fans! Not sure how - but will figure it out".

OG fans, we all asked? "Old gang, old school, long-time lovelies! One who have been there through hard times! They think that I've forgotten them but I haven't".

Well, it didn't take long for Cher to figure out how to let the "OG" fans have an exclusive chance at winning the prize; "Who are my old gang fans? Long-time lovelies retweet this, reply to #ogcher even if you just now join Twitter so that I know who you are". She continued, "Kids, please stay off for five-minutes. Give some oldies but goodies a chance!" (The 'kids stay-off' bit - that didn't exactly work.)

After more tweets, two fans were chosen: @jillybird42 and @livingprf. Congratulations to them

Moving on - one of the three contests was of a course an auction. It was slightly different to the other two contests, as the winner has to make their own way to the video shoot. However, they get the bonus of appearing in the video - with a walk-on role. The highest-bidder won with an impressive bid of $5,700 - which will go to the the Cher Charitable Foundation.

Now - although it's not contest-related - some of you may have noticed that Cher has finally filled out her brief biography on Twitter. How could this star of 50-years possibly describe herself in just a few sentences? Well, quite personally by the looks of it:

"Old or young - talented or star - deeply superficial or both - very smart or unprepared for here - fits among but never fits in. Feet firmly planted in mid-air, loved?"


  1. For all the moaners and groners if you did not win threaten not to follow her then you were never a fan to begin with, A contest is what it is. If she had picked only the ones she thought were long times fans then people would have said it was fixed. Can all you Bitches grow up!!!! Im so sick of this woman trying hard to do something right for her fans and she is not appreciated at all.I never even entered because I don't know how to twitter. but I still love her and always will. So shut up and don't be a two faced somewhat fan.

  2. Cher fans..we are so lucky to admire a woman who goes above and beyond! I really feel that she loves us matter what...and she has given me nothing but joy since 1969.

  3. They're so lucky I'm happy for them!
    I wrote a letter to Cher and one of the winners is giving it to her way to excited!
