
Monday, December 03, 2012

Cher's New Album To Be Released In March

Cher - the release date of her new album is March
Billboard has stated that Cher's 25th studio album will be released in March 2013.

Now, I'm sure that this headline - "Cher's new album to be released in March" - will be met with some groans, and sighs of disappointment. After all, we've been waiting for the album for what seems like centuries - and March seems like a long way away right now. However, at least we now have something official about the album's release date.

Ending the release date guessing game for us, wrote, "Cher's next studio album, her first since 2001's 'Living Proof', is due out in late March."

The online music publication explained, "The targeted release date was confirmed by Livia Tortella, Warner Bros. Records Co-President/COO, on the red carpet at Billboard's 2012 Women in Music event on Friday (November 30)."

On the topic, Billboard concluded, "According to Tortilla, Cher's forthcoming full-length is among a full slate of early 2013 album releases from the label, including new efforts from Josh Groban, Michael Buble, Goo Goo Dolls and Avenged Sevenfold."

So, a March release - good news or bad news?


  1. Well that's what we all expected since the single will arrive in January! It will ROCK!

  2. Thank you!! This is very exciting news!!!

  3. I'm guessing that means her tour will be postponed as well. Does anyone have an idea of when she will release the tour dates!?!?

  4. albums in the us mkt are a joke now. they peak in week 1 then fall each week and are usually off the charts in 10-15 wks. fanfare is limited to the first wk or 2 and then the interest is gone. it hs nothing to do w/cher it is how the biz is. if her album is out the end of march it will peak that week then fall off the charts by may. artists put out albums fastr now. rihanna has just released album 7 in 7 year, yes she has had an album per yr. living proof was recrd in 2001.

  5. Quality is Better then Quantity

    1. I agree. Back in the days (said the almost 40 year old dinosaur) artists made an album with 10-12 songs. Then a couple of years later they did the next. I think that's quality. When Believe happened Cher suddenly was everywhere. And everyone (even media) celebrated and recognized her -at least for the moment- and it became to much for me. To much sugar ain't good ;-)

  6. MARCH 2015...........whatever

  7. I am a long time fan too but I am over Cher making promises to her fans on twitter for the last 3 years about this album. I am absolutely forgetting about this album ever coming out, instead I will just plug in my favorite Cher album STARS and call it a day.

  8. It is true that albums today are like a blip. I know Cher's album will be fantastic BUT it is also true after peaking in its first week as they all do, her album will begin its chart fall (as they all do) in week 2. By the end of April it will be falling down the chart fast to fall off the chart by May or June. She will get publicity for a couple of weeks then outside of her tour will be invisible. Unless an artist has singles played AT RADIO, the album is invisible in the US market. THAT is why artists such as Rihanna pump out a new album every year. Older artists like Barbra Streisand, Paul McCartney, Rod Stewart release albums every year or two or three and no longer worry about Pop hits. They are vets and just record what they want. By the way, albums by these vets DO sell but those vets understand how it works. They put out an album, it peaks high in week one, then falls down the charts and in a couple of months it is a distant memory. The music business is not as it was. It is now like a flash in the pan with albums.

  9. yes but with veteran albums remember they all age brilliantly,and will still be good in twenty years time,artists like cher,madonna,macca,all think of the bigger picture.nothing wrong with rihanna and some others also,but all their albums have a couple of good lead singles and the rest is just filler,ye barely listen to it again,their great singles artits,vets do albums best do.

  10. Woman's World needs to be available for download already!! The wait has been long gone. It's time for this DIVA to get the ball rolling. 8 years to write and produce Believe was eccentric, but this new album is coming at a cost. Her fans. Yes we all love Cher, but at the same time, she needs to stop making all these promises and letting all of us down. Either get her high horse ready to step out and make a TRUE comeback or just hang it up already. Geebus!

    1. Well, she did make promises on twitter and each time the release was delayed it just sucked! NOW I think is the time for real, we will see the release of Woman's World in a month and the grand comeback of this veteran diva superstar will start! YEAH!!!

  11. From my understanding WW was suppose to be released when she said it on twitter, but b/c of so many fans writing into WB complaining about the artwork, and no video, they decided to hold off until there was official artwork , video,, BY THIS act fans may have put the single at jeopardy, i read in one article, u can see its slow trend on youtube, unlike when it was first released the views were off the wall..

    1. I find that hard to believe. If they wanted a real artwork they could have had one done professional within half a day before the release. They are big record company working with major artists. Believe didn't have a video so that can't be the hold up either.
      I think they are trying something different...
      By the way it is only us fans who actually know anything about this song because it has not been promoted officially yet. I bet the record company is having fun reading all this about us knowing the best way to market music :-)

  12. Albums are no longer the big deals they used to be. They come out and peak in week one (due to the pre-sales and if a tour the bundling of tour ticket with the new album) and as another poster said, fall and usually fall fast. The only thing that usually keeps an album in the album chart Billboard Top 200 are singles played on radio. Without radio, the albums just cannot sell enough to stay in the Billboard chart. THAT is why most artists put out albums every year or two or three. They understand that the public forgets these albums fast. Cher has never had an issue getting any and I mean ANY previous album out. All of a sudden THIS album has been painful for her to record and for us to hear about. 2001 to 2013 is a crazy gap for new music on a full album.

  13. WTF I"M so over this! This is BULLSHIT. At least release the first single. It is not on itunes like it was said to be. Why don't you just tell your Fans to F&%K OFF, you oblivously don't care about us.

    1. Of course she does. That's why we got to hear anything before everybody else.

    2. WOW! u r NOT a real Cher fan 2 b talkin like that!! y r u even on this website? dude chill! and i mean that with love and humility like Cher does!!!

  14. it is sad. albms are no big deal anymore + its true they come out peak then fall fast. if no airplay they fade fast. cher shld jst recrd wt she wants and stop trying for hits. she is long past that stg in her career

    cher is so talentd + shld just mk music she lks + us fans wld lk it 2

  15. i am sure she will welcome a hit,, but what is more important for me is that she puts out music,,, after this album i hope she does a Xmas, country, rock cd the power in her voice is still there n she can do just about anything,

  16. Yes, I would love Cher to cut different types of albums. Dance is over produced and Cher does not need her beautiful voice messed with. I 2 hope she cuts various types of music in the future. Albums were always easy for Cher 2 cut until this 1 so maybe if she records what SHE wants to record, we will get albums more often.

  17. She needs to produce her music her own like she did Not.Commercial, she has her own company Iris production..the pressure of WB n newer fans to put out a dance album has been part of this delay,,after Believe EVERYONE jumped on the CHER VOICE thing and it was overused,, tryin to find something new is much harder these days,, PLUS she has such an amazin voice that should be challenged more.

  18. wowie i agr w/abv post 100%. cher has nad 2 prove. she is cher w/50 yr career

    as the prior pst sd she has an amazing voice. radio only plays rap/r+b and stf featuring lil'wayne + nicki minaj + all the rest

    no matter wt wbr does in us radio will not play it so cher should just recrd what she wants

    dance is a boring use of her grt voice. dance covers up a weak voice + chers voice is anything but weak. cher is one of the few who can sing

  19. since we all agree we should all get together write CHER n if she still has a yr or so of contract W/WB write them THAT ENUFF with forcing her to put out this kind of music,,, at her age the competion is huge and not fair,,,NOT that she wont success,, but let he pick her own material,, Hey WB spend the $ and let her put out a XMAS album,that is long over due

  20. All Cher fans have wanted a Christmas album since 1965. Sonny had planned for them to do one and they got busy and put it off. I also feel the dance/pop is getting foolish now. It is not worth the effort to push a woman soon to be 67 as a pop/dance artist. Cher is Cher. She can do ROCK or Standards or anything. Let Cher do whatever she wants and I bet she cuts a follow up album FAST! The pop charts are a mess now so why bother? Cher also really CAN SING and dance always ruins her vocals.

  21. I think Cher decides what she wants to do. She's got a strong will, is extremely wealthy and is very talented. Age is just a number and to let that be an issue limit us as human beings. Open up your mind!

    1. i guess u really dont know the legacy of CHER, plus u missed the whole point of the tread

    2. No, I ment that I would be very much surprised if Cher doesn't agree with Warner how things are done here. And what she wants to do.

      BTW often is mentioned that WB messed up the promo about Living Proof but here in Sweden when it was released there were ads and big posters everywhere. Everywhere. I personally think that album was released too soon and was overproduced with more noise than Cher.

  22. I agree with you that age is just a number. However the music market in the American market is not only youth driven but urban/rhythmic driven. That is why at any time on the Billboard Hot 100 Lil'Wayne and Nikki Minaj have multiple entries. Artists such as Wayne & Nikki get airplay all over (Rythmic/urban/pop) so they conquor all major charts and markets. This actually has less to do with age and more to do with the type of music. What people are trying to say is Cher CAN record other types of music. We fans would love anything she does! Dance is NOT what Cher wanted to do but they insisted. From what I am reading in these posts is people feel too much emphasis is being put on this much delayed album. We will love it and it will do fine but after a couple of months will fade out. People are sort of tired about this album even before we get it and I think worried if she takes another 12 years. I personally think if Cher gets to record anything she wants in the future she will not pick Dance.

    1. Thnx Lisa A finally some1 that has taken the time to know how CHER operates

    2. Well, I have listened to Cher for more than 20 years and I still don't know how she operates. Which I like though :-)

  23. Cher is truly a great gal. She really have to WANT to do something which is why WBR should just let her at it! Back in 2003/04 she was excited about doing her rock album, then her 60s cover album then her country album. Cher loves different forms of music and we know she CAN sing them! I do not want this to sound mean either but I hope this IS her last Dance album unlessssss Cher herself WANTS to do one. It is not that I do not like dance since I do but I also love Cher's wonderful voice and with Dance the voice is often tweaked too much. Cher's voice is so beautiful and I hate seeing it drowned out by the dance beat or too much synthisizing...

    Youner fans are not used to Cher as she was in the 60s and 70s when she pumped out new music all the time. The 80s were busy with movies and music and the 90s so-so. It really has been since 2002 that we have suffered with little new music so if allowing Cher to record whatever she wants gets us more wonderful music, YEA!!!

  24. i 2 feel dnce is ok bt prefr cher w/rock

    ya'll knw cher cn sing 4 real + dnce gets mxd 2 mch

  25. is CHER still doing XFACTOR??? does anyone know?

    1. OMG if Cher did xfactor then i would totally watch it!

  26. we knw cher goes to europe nxt wk + suppsd 2 go 2 russia + uk. nrmly acts do confirm dts but chers people oftn say nada

    who knws? wld b nice

  27. Cher's fans all know the things that would make sense and XFactor seems like a great vehicle in the UK. Sadly, Cher's management is never forthcoming with her fans about things like this. It really has always been this way. Fans would just be so happy to get official news from Cher's management or label. Of course we get drips and draps of info and often at the last minute, so it really is a shame. All of us will be VERY happy when that show in Russia is over with so we can get moving on things like the Woman's World video shoot and photo shoot. Those things are vital and still not done.

  28. Seriously stop fucking around. Cher needs to be heard. Not placed on hold.

  29. Why is she going to Russia? Hope it is not for Putin she will perform. Not a good company to be in now a days...

  30. this wait craaaaaazy

    need cher now nt mar

    new cher now pls

    1. does anyone actually no y Cher's song, Womens World took soo long to release? BTW the song ROCKS!!!

  31. This delay until March is just in the string of delays we've had. What's to say it might be postponed in March AGAIN? We've waited far too long. Haven't we suffered enough? A good rock album is what is needed. At any rate, please hurry with new music!

  32. her albm will b out in mar bt fade by may or jn. albms come + go fst nw. very few hang on vry lg now unless lots of hits @ radio

  33. All Cher fans will be happier once the album is out in March and by then Woman's World will have run its course and hopefully The Greatest Thing with Lady Gaga will be out as single number 2. Since Cher turns 67 in May and has her tour, we all will hope Cher cuts new albums with more ease in the future. Up until THIS album, she alway recorded her albums in short periods. Cher normally records one song in one or two sessions. The problem this time is she would record one or perhaps two songs in a day or two then wait another month or two or three or more to record another song or two... Don't forget The Greatest Thing has been all done by both Cher & Gaga since July 2011. That means a year and a half ago that song was ready for her album.

  34. I just can't wait for this album. This has been way too long coming. My wife and kids will not be too happy when it finally comes out because they already know that is all they are going to be hearing for the next few years until she gives us more. LOL.

  35. i wnt cd 2
    2 2 lng wt
    i lv ww 2 + hp wb gets radio ply

  36. MARCH!???


  37. Cher Tweeted her video will be shot in JAN. 2 bad it was not already done and still no photoshoot.

  38. How do we have a date for the album, but no album name?!?!?!

  39. i am shck vid not 2 b shot til jan? 2 lng gap btwn ww out on u-tube 2 jst bfr thxgiv 2 jan shoot 2 i-tune rel.

    2 lng 2 wt 4 off ww rel

  40. If her video does not shoot until Jan, maybe the release of WW will be more like Feb. Cher's videos are not that detailed so she usually only has to shoot 1 day for a matter of a few hours. She usually does not do much in her videos so they are easy shoots. We are so starved for new Cher stuff.

  41. her cd will be worth the wait i'm telling yall trust me remember there are 3 monsters waiting 2 get released and unleashed heres a really hot scoop and trust me this is awesome one monster is by pink and its so unbelievable good that your gonna be saying omggggggggggggggggg

  42. and believe will be just a memory because one of the monster will be bigger then believe and all her last three singles combined trust me its called lollllllllllllllllll well lets say it rhymes with sled stay tuned.........

  43. I do think Cher's CD will be wonderful. However, albums are now flashes in the pan. They come and they go no matter how big the artist is. Unless an album has singles getting radio play the albums peak high during week one then fall fast. Cher cannot afford to wait 12 years again. She needs to just record in the future whatever she wants and forget the commercial aspect. Cher's fans only need her music not all the rest that takes up so much time.

  44. vid shoot jan? seems so long 4 new albm. she is nt dn rcrdg either

  45. what is the album called? its killing me that i dont no!

  46. i love Cher and when ever she releases tha song and album will b ok but it wld b awesome if it was soon!
