
Monday, November 19, 2012

Will Cher's New Album Be Her Last?

Cher: will her new album be her last?
Cher's latest album is almost finished - but will it be her last?

Cher answered a good load of questions on Twitter and updated us with news about her upcoming album.

She kicked-off her first Twitter session around 6:00 PM (Los Angeles time), saying, "I've just finished a class with Dori and I'm beat! I'm going to rest for an hour, eat, listen to song that I'm singing tonight. It'a a strange song about vampires!"

When a Twitter user asked the 66-year-old superstar about one of her new songs, 'Red', Cher replied, "'Red' is almost finished".

Another fan then asked the Goddess of Pop, "Is this going to be your last album?" Cher answered, "That's a very good question! Ask me when you've heard it. Who knows?"

She returned to the social networking site around seven-and-a-half hours later, "I finished about an hour ago. I can't wait to hear the mixes! We finished four songs! We have three-and-a-half to go then... Yeah finished! Bonus tracks too".

A fan asked "How long will the last few songs take? I'm so excited!" Cher replied, I just got the new songs three days ago. Tracks need to be recorded before I can sing the songs! I will try to finish in London, but I don't know".

Before going, Cher tweeted, "I'm tired! I had a long day. Dentist tomorrow - yuck! I hate going! Oh! I forgot, I'm singing tomorrow night! One song to finish. So that makes it five!"


  1. it cannot be her last album she is too amazing!!!!! she should be singing on her death bed

  2. it will not b her last cd bt hopeflly nxt cd will not be as torturously slow

  3. Yes it will not be her last album by a longshot and it is really impossible for any future album to take as long. After all Cher turn 67 in May 2013. If she waited another 12 years she would be 79 so I doubt she would wait that long!

  4. Lol, all of her albums seem to be her "last album"

  5. she needs to go back to cutting albums with ease and not making any one album seem like big deal. In Cher's entire career never has then been an album that has taken so long and has had so much press in terms of delays and misinformation. In the past Cher would just go into the studio and cut an album fast.

  6. I'm the one who asked her if it would be her last album :)

  7. it will not be her last cd but i agree she can't wt 12 yrs. 2 long of a wt 4 this cd

  8. If this cd is a hit Warners will demand she make another one quickly. The reason why she hasnt recorded a cd in 11 yrs is because the previous management/owners of Warners didnt want her to make one. The new owners came in about 2 yrs ago and hired an A/R guy to kick start cd's for various "older Warner artists" that had been ignored by the previous had nothing to do with Cher being lazy or not wanting to make a cd.

  9. i dont buy that. cher talked aoubt making a cd many times since 2001. we fans just assumed it would be out like all her albs in past. this cd really did start 2 yrs ago and its dev has been painful. it will b good but it is only 1 albm

    i hope wt u say abt wb making her do a follow up fast if this 1 sells. what bothers fans is this crzy wt since 2001 for new cd
