
Friday, November 16, 2012

Cher On Album: It Will Be Finished Before Christmas. Out Next Quarter.

Cher, whose new album is set for release between January and March 2013
Cher spoke about her upcoming album in a series of tweets.

As no-one other than Cher is giving us information about her new album, we're always appreciative of her tweets about the CD. After all, without them, we'd know close-to-nothing about it.

Unsure whether the new album "will be a hit" or not, Cher tweeted, "I sang two hours straight last night! I Guess my voice isn't as old as I am! I don't know if the CD will be a hit but I promise you that you won't be disappointed!"

She continued to tweet about how the songs she's recording for the album will be distributed; "I got two unbelievable new songs last night! If you wonder why there are so many songs... I need four bonus tracks, 10-11 tracks on the CD and I'm only over-recording two."

Remixes are in the pipeline; when asked whether she had completed the song 'Woman's World', Cher tweeted, "Yes! Now for the remixes!"

When a Twitter user mentioned Cher's 1998/99 hit single 'Believe', Cher answered, revealing that the release date could still be set for January, "I'm working with Mark Taylor ('Believe' producer) on five songs! Two done! It will be finished before Christmas! Out next quarter [January-March]. Sorry, it'll not be sooner - I wanted the best!"

Finally, Cher once again mentioned that "Russia show" that she'll be performing in December. The gig - which we know close-to-nothing about - was briefly mentioned as she tweeted, "I've Got to go! I'm trying to change late night/early bird habit. I'm doing two classes in the day, rehearsing Russia show, writing, singing at night. I'm tired XX".


  1. 2 lng 4 wt since 2001 for nw cd

    2001 2 2013 is wy 2 lg

  2. I'm sure anytime now they will tell us the cd will be out in March. And then when March gets here it will be June...wanna bet. You are losing FANS!

  3. Same thing happened with Stevie Nicks on last years "In Your Dreams." It was slated for a "first quarter" release as well - it came out in May.


  4. 2 bad. This will be a good album but albums now peak on week 1 then fall down the charts. Unless the album has singles at radio they fade fast. Cher fans will love this album BUT career wise it will be a blip. Many artists of Cher's age put out new album every year or two. In a career spanning nearly 50 years this is her first album that it has taken her so long. She usually cuts songs for an album FAST. Cher does not write or produce her music so albums have always been easy for her. All I am saying is no matter how great this album is (and it will be) after the first couple of weeks it is out, it will fade from public concience.

    1. I think you missed the point here... The main thing is that the album will be amazing, she will be on the charts again which is important but not that much, the most important thing is that she will TOUR! And if she promotes new songs on the show it will sell... oh and there's another factor, gaga and pink and who knows who is involved so the whole project has much more chances for being a success!

  5. Late night/early bird Rehearsing show?..doesn't make any sense...for Russia? Um? Don't you have an album in the works? Woman's World has already leaked. You can't use it! Even if it's improved people will believe they have heard it and have already moved on. It's old news, Cher. Move fast, creative, and smart. New times girl! MOVE.

  6. I still say the album will be out next summer. If her mom's special still happens, I think it will be released shortly before or after then. Honestly, I'd rather not hear anything else about the album and just be surprised when it comes out.

  7. Russia has the world's highest number of billionaires now concentrated in Moscow. These uber newly rich people love to flaunt their money so when one of the likes Cher, they contact her and pay her a ton of rubles and fly her over for a show. Shows like this are short with just a few songs (often lip synced) then the star meets and greets and takes photos with the guests. What is sad is true fans of Cher will never get to meet her yet rich people like these in Russia will see her live and get photos and many of them could care less about her. It is like that at the casinos as well. When Cher was at Caesar's she did meet and greets backstage with high rollers. These people were not her fans just high rollers. Cher's fans paid to see the show (high rollers were comped) and few Cher fans got to the meet and greets, so sad.

    I think her album will be out early in 2013. I too feel this album has taken WAY too long!

  8. ya the russian thing is just that being a private show 4 someone w $$$$. cher normally does not do this tyoe of thing

    there is no way wb will wait until summer for her cd

  9. I think that the album will be releases in the Autumn of 2013.

  10. Cher’s CD will be out in early 2013. Warner Brothers wants this out once and for all and hopefully will light a fire under Cher to get a follow up in 2014. Her CD sounds fantastic and will be very popular among her fans. However, albums are not what they used to be. After week one’s high debut, it will fall each week until it is off the charts. Even big artists suffer this outcome. The only thing to save an album from falling off the Billboard Top 200 chart is RADIO airplay. Downloads do not make hit albums nor do Dance Hits. Radio play causes people to HEAR the music and buy the album. Cher will be 67 in May. She should just record whatever pleases HER after this album is out. Cher has enough fans to have her albums go at least GOLD and radio is NOT going to play her stuff outside of the duet with Gaga. Most artists of Cher’s age just put out whatever suits them and their stuff does well. Artists close to Cher’s age include Rod Stewart, Barbra Streisand and Paul McCartney. All of them record albums quite often and all of them do well with them. NONE of them attempt to get singles at Radio since it just would not happen and nor does it matter. These artists like Cher are all long term STARS. They no longer have anything to prove. Cher is the only older artist attempting to have a current pop/dance CD with singles going out to radio. Hey, maybe I am wrong but I do not think so. In the US music market, an older artist has nearly zero chance to get enough radio airplay to chart on the Billboard Hot 100. Madonna’s last single Turn up the Radio could not even Bubble Under the Hot 100. Her previous single made it to #108 for a week on the Billboard Bubbling Under chart. Madonna’s label tried to get her to radio and pushed but radio in the US did not respond. Yes, her singles made it to #1 on the Billboard Club Play chart and Cher’s will go to #1 on that chart as well. However, that chart is not a big deal anymore and is sort of meaningless. I have my fingers crossed that after this CD Cher moves on to effortlessly record stuff as she has all her career and maybe if she records what pleases HER we will get new music more often.

    1. "Her CD sounds fantastic and will be very popular among her fans."

      Have you heard it yet? :)

  11. "Her CD sounds fantastic and will be very popular among her fans."

    Have you heard it yet? :)

  12. I don't care anymore about her new album or it's release date. I have given up!
    David San Francisco

    1. I agree with you! However I also know what a hardcore fan I am of her's. So I will buy it. It doesn't matter how much we bitch or complain they are going to do what they want.No matter how many fans they piss off.

  13. No, I have not heard it. I sure wish I had!!!! All I was trying to say is that we all KNOW her CD will be wonderful BUT it is only a CD. Artists now push out albums rapidly or repackage their albums with new songs to lengthen their run on the charts. As an example Katy Parry did that very successfully and Nicki Minaj is putting Roman Reloaded back out with new songs. Of course these artists DO get radio airplay. Cher will not get radio airplay unless they try to get YHNSTLOM to AC Radio. AC Radio is her best bet. She cannot get on the POP stations or Urban stations or R&B stations and there really are no US Dance stations. I just hope Cher continues to record AFTER this album and record whatever she feels like recording. WE fans will love anything she does. We do not care if future Cher albums are rock or AC or Pop or Standards!

  14. Shame on all of you. she want's to give us the best, we should at least respect her wishes. Don't you all see what Warner Brothers is doing? Taylor Swift, Kid Rock, Christina Auguleria have all been releasing new albums, they are waiting for these to die down before they release cher

  15. Jeez folks...the cd will be out when it comes out! We've waited 11 plus yrs we can wait a few more months.

  16. 2001 2 2013 sure is a lg wt
