Monday, September 10, 2012

Cher's Press Rep: "Get Ready" For Cher's New Album

Fellow Cher site 'CherWorld' has posted brief words from Cher's long-time press rep Liz Rosenberg about Cher's new album - which begins with "Get ready".

While it seems strange to many that Cher's 'people' - such as her record company - have not yet spoken at all about Cher's upcoming music releases, which Cher states will begin next month with the release of a new single, its hopeful that the ball may get rolling now that her press rep Liz Rosenberg had these brief-but-promising-words to say:

"Get ready. She's done phenomenal work and has made some of the best music of her career."

Now more than anything, we want to hear something from Warner Brothers - including those all-important release dates.


  1. This is sooo exciting!! Thanks for keeping us up to date!!

  2. Yes we are all excited and dying for the official press release to the major outlets. If Warner Bros wants her single out in Oct time is ticking fast and we do not even have a title.

  3. Daniel, I've NEVER in all the years I have been a devoted fan of Cher's, known ANY SIMILAR situation as the MYSTERY surrounding this new album. USUALLY, her team starts a CHER PROMOTION, like the year "Believe" came out, Cher sang the National Anthem at the Super Bowl, then she was all over the news with one thing or another, to make her VERY VISIBLE. Shortly after the single and album became history. This time the single and album are like MILITARY SECRETS! I thought when she had the confrontation with Madonna that was the start of the publicity stunts, but NOTHING!

  4. I really don't think this album will be out very soon. Her label would have started some promo by now - and there are videos to film which are time consuming, gigs to book (she often promotes on David Letterman, etc.)and all that goes with the marketing of a new record. Cher is cautious - a perfectionist, and we will have to be patient. We'd be lucky to see it by Christmas the way it's going.
