
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Twitter News Round-up: Cher Tweets About Upcoming Album, Earthquake, Naked Diving - Plus Pal Loree Rodkin Says Cher 'Outdid Herself' With New Songs

CherNow that you've finished reading the title to this article - possibly the longest title of any 'Cher News' article - have a gander at this selection of tweets from Cher, posted during the last few days on social networking site Twitter:

Excitingly, Cher took time out to say a few words about songs from her upcoming album. She said, "Loree [Rodkin] came over last night and I played three tracks! I was nervous - she's tough! I put my favourite one on and hair rose up on the back of her neck - we screamed, she danced."

There's one song on the album that Cher seemingly favours; she said, "I have a big wish - to take this one song to a club, give it to the DJ, hide in a dark corner and watch the craziness! I did that with 'Believe'!"

Cher's aforementioned pal Loree Rodkin also posted a couple of tweets concerning the songs that she heard. "Listening to her new tracks from new CD - Can't wait for release... You'll be on your feet!", she wrote. When one Twitter user (and friend of 'Cher News', @RafCher) asked Rodkin, "How are the tracks on Cher's new album? Are they good?", she responded with, "Amazing! She outdid herself".

Speaking of the new album, Cher pleaded to her followers, "Please don't ask when it's coming out!" She continued, "I go as fast as I can and it will be out the nanosecond it's finished."

The 'Faithful' (Yeah, why not?) star gave a brief glimpse of a day in her life at home, which involves pampering, exercise, games and family; "I got facial; infrared sauna; played tennis, bowling and baseball on 'Wii Sports'; Jumped in pool naked! I invited my mom and my sister over to do the same thing".

With the topic of naked pool activity still at hand, Cher amusingly continued, "Mom said, 'Sweetheart, can we exercise naked in the pool?' I said, 'Grab your hand weights and rock on Granny, you bad biatch!'" Much later, Cher revealed that her mom Georgia wasn't totally satisfied with the pool though; jokingly quoting her mom, Cher typed, "She's such a sissy - 'Oh sweetheart it's too cold'".

With a recent Malibu - where Cher resides - earthquake on their mind, one worried fan on Twitter typed, "There was 4.1 earthquake in Malibu last night... Someone please Check that Cher is OK". Cher responded, "I felt 'quake! No biggie! I was born here".

For trivia's sake (which is the way these kind of articles always seem to end now at 'Cher News'), one question from a Twitter user arose, asking the 'Goddess of Pop' about the 'Queen of Pop'; "When was the first time you met Madonna?", they asked. Cher answered, "I saw a picture of her way before she hit, at [photographer Francesco] Scavullo's [house]! We met at my house!".

Somewhat-similarly, another user asked Cher for her opinion of singer Cyndi Lauper - who of course went on tour with Cher more than once. She replied in capital letters, "LOVE HER!!! GREAT PIPES, GREAT CHICK!!"

The 'Cher News' Facebook page has hit 200 "likes"! Be sure to "like" it if you haven't already!


  1. Im so excited for her new album >.<

  2. Go Cher!!! =D

  3. You sure can write, congrats!
    And I LOVE 'Faithful' :D!

  4. I am ready to get up and dance Cher! You have "rocked my world" since I was 12.... I am 53 years old now, and I love you more than EVER! (if that's even possible)! Dennis Lorenzo Sisneros

  5. Im soooooooo excited cant wait!!!!!

  6. yay im in here! i was the girl who asked cher about Cyndi Lauper!! if you dont believe me check my twitter!!:) @_LovelyJadee in my favorites too!! -xoxo Jade
